Xhelal Svecla

Xhelal Sveçla
Ministër i Punëve të Brendshme



Pikat e kalimit kufitar Automjete Kamionë
Hyrje (min) Dalje (min) Kolona (m) 
Kolona (m) 
Hyrje (min) Dalje (min) Kolona (m) 
Kolona (m) 
Bërnjak 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Dheu i Bardhë 60 40 200 150 03-05 03-05 0 0
Glloboqicë 30 03-05 100 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Hani i Elezit 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Jarinje 05-10 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Kullë 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Merdarë 10-15 05-10 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Muçibabë 15 03-05 60 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Mutivodë 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Qafë e Morinës 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Qafë e Prushit 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Stançiq 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0
Vërmicë 03-05 03-05 0 0 03-05 03-05 0 0

Updated: 26/07/2024 10:08:25


MagjistraljaDëborëAkullMjegullRrëshqitje dheuKalueshmëria
Mitrovicë - Bërnjak JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Gjakovë – Q.Morinë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Gjakovë - Q.Prushit JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Gjilan - Dheu i Bardhë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Fush-Pajtimit - Glloboçicë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Kaçanik - Hani i Elezit JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Mitrovicë - Jarinje JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Pejë – Kullë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Prishtinë - Mutivodë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Gjilan - Muçibabë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Podujevë - Merdarë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Stançiq - Gjilan JoJoJoJoE kalueshme
Prizren - Vërmicë JoJoJoJoE kalueshme

Updated: 26/07/2024 09:04:21

Republic of Kosovo Passenger Information Unit- PIU

Please read the below written information in order to learn more about the Republic of Kosovo Passenger Information Unit (RKS-PIU). This Unit has the overall authority to process the Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data.

The Passenger Information Unit (PIU), was established in 2021 to collect and process API/PNR data for the purpose of prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorism and serious crime.

PIU may share PNR data or the results of PNR data processing with the competent Republic of Kosovo authorities, EU authorities as well as authorities of other countries with which there is a cooperation agreement on the exchange of PNR data, solely for the purpose of preventing, detecting, investigating, or prosecuting a terrorist offense or serious crime.

The legal basis for the PIU operation:

Administrative Instruction, MoIA-01/2021,(refer to in more details:https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDetail.aspx?ActID=38072).

-According to the Administrative Instruction, MoIA-01/2021, PIU processes PNR data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offenses and serious crime.

The applicable legislation for Data Protection is the Law on Protection of Personal Data - No. 06/L-082.(refer to in more details:https://gzk.rks-gov.net/ActDetail.aspx?ActID=18616).

The Agency for Information and Privacy (AIP) is the Supervisory Authority responsible for guaranteeing compliance with this legislation.

The PIU has a designated Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at: qkmk.dpo@rks-gov.net regarding all data protection questions related to the processing of PNR data.

Rights of the data subject

Data subjects have the right to request access to their PNR data, data subjects also have the right to ask the PIU to correct any errors in their data or to delete their data, as well as request a restriction of the processing of their data or object to the processing of their data in certain circumstances.

Data subjects can access the data by completing the Personal Data Access Request Form at the PIU, which is available below and can be downloaded by completing it according to the instructions provided within the form, and forwarding it to the e-mail address: qkmk.dpo@rks-gov.net

If a data subject believes that their PNR data is being processed by PIU unlawfully, they have the right to file a complaint with the Information and Privacy Agency. Information on how to file a complaint can be found at https://aip.rks-gov.net


Updated: 04/06/2024 22:59:22

Numrat e cekur më poshtë janë të dedikuar për të marrë informacione lidhur me procedurat

  • Kufitare (Policisë së Kosovës dhe Policisë Kufitare),
  • Doganore (Dogana e Kosovës),
  • Shëndetit publik (Agjencia e Ushqimit dhe Veterinarisë),
  • Ato të fluksit ndërkufitar dhe informata të cilat mund të ndërlidhen me Ministrit, Agjencitë dhe autoritetet tjera të Republikës së Kosovës

+383 (0) 38 551 661 ext: 1000
+383 (0) 45 198 606
+383 (0) 45 198 000

Numrat e cekur më poshtë janë të dedikuar për të denoncuar veprimet korruptive dhe aktivitetet që ndërlidhen me kontrabandë.
+383 (0) 38 500 095
Free: 0800 500 95
SMS: 500 95
E-mail: qkmk@rks-gov.net

Updated: 04/06/2024 22:59:18