Internal Audit Division

The duties and responsibilities of the Department of Internal Audit are as follows:

  1. Undertakes regular and systematic audits in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the Executive Agencies of the MIA, which do not have established internal audit capacities in accordance with the Law on Public Internal Financial Control;
  2. Performs audits evaluating the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the management and control systems of the audited entity;
  3. Cooperates with the National Audit Office, the Internal Audit Committee of the MIA and the Central Harmonization Department of the Ministry of Finance;
  4. Identifies substantial shortcomings in the management and control system of the MIA and provides recommendations for their improvement;
  5. Provides recommendations for improvement in increasing the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of activities of MIA;
  6. Evaluates financial and operational procedures for the adequacy of internal control and provides audit advice and guidance on new policies, systems, processes and procedures;
  7. Drafting and submitting the Strategic Plan and the Annual Internal Audit Plan for review and approval to the head of the Public Sector Entity and the Audit Committee.
  8. Compilation and submission of periodic and annual internal audit reports.


The following Divisions are part of this Department:

  1. Division for Internal Audit of Departments and
  2. Division for Internal Audit of Executive Agencies.



Shefki Gashi,
Head of Internal Audit Unit within MIA

E –mail:
Main building of MIA, floor IV
Str.Luan Haradinaj, nn.Prishtina
Office contact no.: 038 521 016 or 200 19 561