Division for Research and Statistics (DRS)

DRS is responsible for drafting, researching, collecting, processing and analysing information and statistics in the field of general security.

  1. The DRS drafts the policies and standards of this division in the field of research, analysis and information for statistical purposes;
  2. Conducts research, statistical analysis and collection of information in the field of general security;  
  3. Conducts revision of research and prepares new research projects in the field of general security;
  4. Drafts analysis and statistical reports on daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual basis on incidents/crimes, public safety and road traffic safety in the Republic of Kosovo; Is responsible for the SURS system and processes data from this system;
  5. Cooperates with internal and external institutions dealing with research, analysis, collection and processing of statistics and information related to general security;
  6. Collects and analyses data collected related to the drafting of development policies in the field of general security;
  7. Cooperates in exchange of statistics and information with all MIA Agencies and Departments;
  8. Collects and analyses statistical data that refer to the effectiveness of Agencies and Departments, and provides recommendations for improvement;
  9. Drafts projects and conducts public opinion polls in the field of general security on a periodic basis;
  10. Conducts research on the condition of the traffic police units on a regular annual basis;
  11. Conducts public opinion polls regarding the level of security in the country on a regular basis;
  12. Oversees implementation and evaluates field research;
  13. Contributes to policy making and provides security policy guidance based on analysed statistical information;
  14. Enables the use of information and statistical data for certain users in accordance with the applicable law.  

Behar Ramadani
Head of Division for Research and Statistics

Tel. office: 03820019606
E-mail: behar.ramadani@rks-gov.net,
Address: Str. "Luan Haradinaj" n.n. Prishtina