Department of General Services

Duties and responsibilities of the Department of General Services are:

  1. Manages and maintains inventory and other material in the warehouse, as well as provides administrative and logistical support;
  2. Ensures the implementation of procedures and manages all vehicles available to the MIA, their maintenance and servicing, in accordance with applicable law;
  3. Coordinates with all RKS institutions for their reporting on the condition of vehicles (servicing, maintenance, fuel costs, etc.) to the MIA, so that then the MIA reports to the Government;
  4. Manages the archive system and internal documents of the ministry;
  5. Provides general translation, proofreading and document distribution services to ministries and agencies;
  6. Manages the maintenance and cleaning of the premises of the MIA and some special institutions;
  7. Coordinates with the Police the issue of security of government premisës.



Following divisions are part of this department:

  1. Division for Transport, Reporting and Monitoring of Government Vehicles
  2. Division of Logistics and Security;
  3. Division for Administration of Documents and Servics.



Drita Hasani

Drejtor i Departamentit për Shërbime të Përgjithshme

Ndërtesa Qendrore e MPB-së, kati II,

Rr: "Luan Haradinaj", pn, Prishtinë

tel: 038 200 76 600