Department for Cyber Security and Systems Administration

Duties and responsibilities of the Department for Cyber Security and Systems Administration are:


  1. Prepares and supervises the implementation of cyber security policies at the national level.
  2. Coordinates cyber security activities including activities in case of cyber incidents in public and private institutions;
  3. Prepares periodic reports on the state of cyber security in the Republic of Kosovo, and forwards them to the Secretary General of MIA and the National Coordinator for cyber security;
  4. Prepares policies for the administration of systems, databases and software applications and takes care of their implementation, at the same time coordinates them with other government institutions;
  5. Develops information technology projects related to security and systems administration for all departments, offices and agencies of MIA;
  6. Manages the information technology infrastructure for communication systems, departments, offices and agencies of the MIA, including local units;
  7. Administers the electronic registers of departments, offices and agencies of MIA;
  8. Represents the Republic of Kosovo in cyber security forums;

Within this department are the following divisions:

  1. Division for Cyber Security;
  2. Division for Security and Systems Administration;
  3. Division for administration of applications and databases;
  4. Division for Users Support.

Artan Dreshaj, Director

Department for Cyber Security and Systems Administration

Ministry of Internal Affairs


Address: Str. Luan Haradinaj, CRA building, 3rd floor, no.303

038 200 19 019