Department for Reintegration of Repatriated Persons and Integration of Foreigners

Duties and responsibilities of the Department for Reintegration of Repatriated Persons and Integration of Foreigners shall be as following:


  1. Proposing, drafting and ensuring implementation of documents of policies and legislation in the field of Reintegration of repatriated persons and Integration of Foreigners, in accordance with the EU legislation and international standards;
  2. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Reintegration and Integration policies and legislation, the implementation of Reintegration andIntegration decisions and schemes at the central and local level;
  3. Drafting guidelines and documents needed to ensure standard Reintegration and Integration procedures at all levels;
  4. Providing emergency services to repatriated persons upon arrival at the KBCP.
  5. Providing integration courses and other measures for the integration of foreigners in the RKS, organizing and evaluating the level of integration of foreigners in the Republic of Kosovo;
  6. Receives and reviews the complaints of repatriated persons against the decisions of the Municipal Reintegration Commissions and examines and decides on the requests of foreigners with the status of International Protection;
  7. Provides Evaluation and Verification of the needs of repatriated persons and foreigners for support in the Reintegration and Integration process;
  8. Bashkëpunon dhe koordinon procesin e riintegrimit dhe integrimit me të gjitha komunat, ministritë dhe agjencitë relevante, si dhe organizatat vendore, ndërkombëtare dhe përfaqësitë diplomatike të shteteve kthyese në Republic of Kosovo;
  9. Cooperates with the responsible Institutions and provides the necessary support for the successful reception and reintegration of families returning from conflict areas;
  10. Provides efficient systems and mechanisms for the implementation of Sustainable Reintegration and Integration policies, at all levels and establishes efficient systems and mechanisms for the collection, processing, evaluation and sharing of information between central, local institutions and international mechanisms;
  11. Provides case registration and archiving of files in the E-Case Management System (CMS) and is responsible for the operation and advancement of CMS;
  12. Collects, processes and analyses data from the field of Reintegration and Integration from all stakeholders involved and reports on a regular basis.

This Department includes the following divisions and centres:


  1. Division for Admission and Accommodation;
  2. Division for Regional Management;
  3. Division for Reintegration and Sustainable Integration;
  4. Division for Cooperation with Local and International Organizations.
  5. Accommodation Centre.

Acting Director of The Department for Reintegration for Repatriated Persons 
Kushtrim Nreci 

Tel: +383 (0)  38  200 76 730

Centrex: +383 (0)  200 76 730
Adresa:  Rr. "Luan Haradinaj" p.n. Prishtinë