Department for Standards and Policies of Engineering and Management of Government Buildings

Duties and responsibilities of the Department for Standards and Policies of Engineering and Management of Government Buildings are:


  1. Leads planning policies in the field of infrastructure of government buildings in accordance with the Law on Spatial Planning, the Law on Construction and other applicable laws in the Republic of Kosovo;
  2. Develops strategies for the implementation of state priorities in the field of government building infrastructure;
  3. Leads the implementation of strategies in the field of construction infrastructure, in accordance with the Law on Construction and other applicable laws in the Republic of Kosovo;
  4. Manages the entire infrastructure of government buildings inside and outside the territory of the Republic of Kosovo;
  5. Drafts technical standards on the forms of use of government buildings by relevant institutions.



The following Divisions are part of this Department:

  1. Division of Planning and Standards;
  2. Division of Project Management;
  3. Division for Management of Government Buildings.

Ud. Drejtore e DSPIMNQ-se,  znj. Flurije Durmishi