Department for Public Administration Reform

Duties and responsibilities of the Department for Public Administration Reform are as follows:


  1. Drafts public administration reform policies based on needs and findings during the reporting and monitoring process.
  2. Identifies priorities related to public administration reform (PAR);
  3. Coordinates and contributes to the development of strategic and planning documents for PAR, including the need to update them;
  4. Ensures consistency between strategic and planning documents for PAR, as well as their compliance with Government priorities and other Government strategic documents;
  5. Ensures that the planned activities for PAR are included in the documents related to the annual and multi-year budget planning and the annual work plan of the ministry and the Government, as well as the Government Legislative Program;
  6. Analyzes and monitors the implementation of strategic documents on PAR;
  7. Prepares reports for the Minister and the Secretary General of the ministry, regarding the implementation of strategic documents related to PAR;
  8. Supports the open data system and the organization of meetings of the mechanisms responsible for the reform implementation and monitoring;
  9. Assists and coordinates the planning, programming, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of foreign aid, in activities that assist PAR, as well as determines the priorities of projects that should be funded by donors;
  10. Coordinates communication with donors in areas related to PAR strategy and activities in APPAR;
  11. Assists in organizing the meetings of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on PAR, as well as prepares all the materials needed for the meetings of the Commission;
  12. Monitors and reports on the process of implementation of integrity and ethics in public administration;



This Department consists of the following Divisions:

  1. Division for reform policy development and;
  2. Division for Reform Coordination, Monitoring and Implementation;