Department of Budget and Finance

Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Budget and Finance are:

  1. Leads the departments, manages the staff and the budget of the Ministry, sets the objectives in accordance with the strategy and objectives of the Ministry and the Government and drafts the work plan of the departments for the fulfillment of the objectives;
  2. Develops and oversees the implementation of standard policies and procedures, applicable laws, regulations related to the budget and finances of the Ministry and ensure that audit recommendations in the field of finance are given priority;
  3. Coordinates budget issues for all administrative structures of the Ministry;
  4. Prepares the Mid-Term Expenditure Framework, budget planning for all MIA programs, assists the Departments and Agencies in preparing the MTEF, and budget requests (budget planning);
  5. Reviews the budget based on the requests of the requesting units for redesignation of funds from one economic category to another category according to the laws in force;
  6. Monitors and reports on budget execution, ensuring that financial expenditures are done in accordance     with budget rules and procedures;
  7. Manages money reserves and ensures that internal financial control is based on the principles of accountability;
  8. Ensures cooperation and coordination with the internal and external auditor in conducting audits and preparing financial budget statements, by consolidating them with all MIA agencies.
  9. Analyses and evaluates internal processes and procedures and recommend changes in order to increase work efficiency;


Following divisions are part of this department:

  1. Division for Budget and Planning;
  2. Division for Finance and Accounting;
  3. Division for Revenue Reconciliation.



Drita Xheladini

Drejtoreshë e Departamentit për Buxhet dhe Financa/ZKF

Ministria e Punëve të Brendshme

Tel. 038/ 521-136 ; 200 76 676
