The agreement on the mutual recognition of Driver's Licenses between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Italy is signed


Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla, during his stay in Italy, together with the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility in the Republic of Italy, Mr. Edoardo Rixi, have signed the agreement for the mutual recognition of driver's licenses of the two countries.

After signing this agreement, Minister Sveçla pointed out that the recognition of driver's licenses will simplify everyday life and will remove the economic burden of this process that has burdened the immigrants until now.

"The finalization of this important process for our country and our citizens reaffirms the excellent relations that we enjoy as the Republic of Kosovo with the Republic of Italy", emphasized Minister Sveçla.


The Minister of Internal Affairs has assessed that this is an important step for our diaspora who never stopped supporting the households and the budget of our Republic and for this, he congratulated all our citizens living in Italy, the Embassy, ​​the consulate in Italy, as well as the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are available for the efficient implementation of this agreement.


The main purpose of this agreement;

The main purpose of this Agreement is the mutual recognition of driver's licenses issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Italy in accordance with national legislation.

This means mutual recognition of driver's licenses within their validity period as well as their conversion without undergoing the theoretical and practical tests. Persons who have obtained a residence permit in Kosovo or Italy are entitled to this right.

The signing of this agreement will facilitate the free movement of citizens of the respective countries, especially considering that many citizens of the Republic of Kosovo live and operate in the Republic of Italy. It also facilitates the access of our citizens in Italy to employment, in those jobs where having a driver's license is required as a criterion, which directly means an increase in their economic well-being.

In addition to the direct impact on making life easier for citizens, the Agreement also aims to directly impact road traffic safety, reducing the number of accidents - because by changing these driver's licenses it will be easier to increase traffic safety, such as evidencing minor offences, negative points and similar. In this sense, the agreement contributes to the normal development of road traffic.