Minister Sveçla meets the representatives of the Republic of Kosovo institutions who report on the implementation of activities arising from the joint plan against terrorism


The Minister of Internal Affairs and at the same time the National Coordinator for prevention of terrorism, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla, has invited to a meeting the relevant actors of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo who report on the implementation of activities arising from the joint plan against terrorism.

The purpose of this meeting was to report on the implementation of activities according to the joint plan with the European Union against terrorism.

Minister Sveçla informed the participants about the realization of some objectives according to the joint plan against terrorism and together with the participants discussed the challenges and the proposal of new activities in the framework of the joint fight against terrorism.

This year, a new agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and the European Union against terrorism is expected to be signed, and on this occasion, the challenges and mechanisms that will contribute to the prevention and joint fight against terrorism will be addressed.