Minister Sveçla participated in the Inter-ministerial Conference of the Western Balkans countries


Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla participated today in the Inter-ministerial Conference of the Western Balkans countries "Cooperation for Security and Migratory Flows through the Western Balkans", which is taking place in Tirana, on the eve of the Berlin Summit.

On this occasion, Minister Sveçla emphasized that it is important that this meeting is taking place within the framework of the Berlin Process, shortly before the Berlin Summit, as an initiative created based on the fundamental values of the European Union, that of peace, stability, democracy and cooperation. He emphasized that precisely on this basis, the regional cooperation of the Western Balkan countries and the support from other partner and strategic countries should be further strengthened. "I want this meeting today to serve us as a platform for reflection and commitment between us to protect democratic and European values, to build concrete actions and mechanisms in the fight against cross-border crimes and migratory flows, as well as cooperation in the field of security in general with the states of the region and beyond", said the minister in his opening speech at this Ministerial.


Minister Sveçla pointed out that the Ministerial, as well as the topics that will be discussed in the sessions, are of particular importance in achieving the objectives for improving the integrated border management, the assessment of cross-border threats and the effectiveness achieved so far in these fields as well as the needs of regional cooperation.

"The ongoing efforts of our countries to enhance security with a focus on combating organized crime, weapons and drug trafficking, irregular migration and human trafficking and smuggling, as well as enhancing border security, always ensuring that the rights of migrants are respected, they represent importance not only for our countries and the region, but also for the security of Europe and beyond", Minister Sveçla emphasized.


Speaking about the concrete actions, Minister Sveçla pointed out that the Government of Kosovo in the three years of its mandate in the face of challenges has scored tangible results in the fight against organized crime, corruption, illegal migration and various traffics.


In this ministerial, Minister Sveçla also placed an important emphasis on regional cooperation, in the framework of the commitment to prevent smuggling and various traffics, commitments which have resulted in the closure of 35 illegal routes, of which 27 are unilateral with Serbia, 6 in coordination with Montenegro and 2 with North Macedonia. He said that starting from this, Kosovo and its security institutions have proven to be serious partners in regional initiatives, often being taken as an example for the region, not only at the organizational level, but also in the fight against organized crime and smuggling, including the trafficking of human beings and weapons, but also other forms of trafficking, the implementation of the Guidelines for SALW, etc.

Today, the cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Albania, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, and the Ministry of the Interior of the United Kingdom was also formally expanded, through signing the declaration for joint commitments in the fight against crime and illegal migration.

"This cooperation further helps to expand cooperation at the operational level between our law enforcement agencies and joint efforts will help to destroy criminal groups operating not only in the region but also beyond," concluded his speech in the Ministerial of Tirana, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla.