Sveçla: Yesterday’s attack in the north was a terrorist organisation that has been led and ordered directly by official Belgrade


Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla together with the Director General of the Kosovo Police, Mr. Gazmend Hoxha, held a press conference, where they shared all the details of the terrorist attack that took place yesterday in the north of Kosovo, where the Sergeant of the Kosovo Police, now Hero Afrim Bunjaku was killed, and exposed weaponry seized from terrorist groups by the Kosovo Police.

On this occasion, Minister Sevçla stressed that despite the loss of the police officer Afrim Bunjaku, yesterday’s operation was successful for the Kosovo Police and for us, and this success is proof that there is zero tolerance towards criminal and terrorist groups.


Below you will find Minister Sveçla’s complete speech at this press conference.


Dear media representatives,

Thank you for your attendance and your interest. I would also like to thank you for your yesterday’s reporting.

We are meeting here today, two hours after we bid our last farewell to our Hero, Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku, who was killed yesterday by the terrorists of the criminal groups who acted under the instructions of Belgrade and Vučić.

As we said yesterday, our Police faced a series of well-organised attacks from masked persons who were not civilians, but professional, special organised units, politically, financially and logistically supported by Serbia. Those individuals, according to the footage we have shown, apart from the skills and weaponry they possessed, also had heavy vehicles such as armoured cars and other vehicles which were used to develop, and were meant to be used for, their special operation.

Thanks to the professionalism of our Police, their plan given by Vučić to escalate the security situation in our country has failed.

In the exchange of fire between the armed groups and our Police, at least 3 of their uniformed members with various equipment were killed, while 2 other uniformed members, one of whom was injured, and 4 other supporters of these groups were arrested. The injured person was given first aid by our police officers at the scene, while the same person was then offered assistance in the hospital of Mitrovica and in the UCCK. It is worth noting that no civilians were injured during this action. According to the information so far, 6 wounded terrorists are being treated in the Novi Pazar hospital and we demand that Serbia hand them over to us immediately, just as we demand the handover of all those who managed to escape to Serbia.  

Before we talk about the amount of weaponry, which also shows the size of this terrorist organisation, I want to inform you that maps and plans were found in the buildings and in the vehicles, which show the long-term, well-planned and coordinated organisation. These maps and documents are evidence that we are not dealing here with just local groups, but with a terrorist organisation that has been led and ordered directly from official Belgrade. 

Local and foreign experts have also noted that several months of preparations are required for this amount of weaponry, this organisation, and these preparations. This organisation is not something that was done quickly and in the last few days.

In these materials, we also found documents of the criminal, who is also on the US sanctions list, Milan Radojčić, documents that prove his direct participation in this terrorist organisation.

Milan Radojčić is the vice president of the Serbian List. The Serbian List is closely coordinated with Aleksandar Vučić and does not take any step without prior coordination with him. So the picture of this plan is clearer than ever.

Where we are now, all this seized weaponry of armed terrorist groups was part of yesterday's operation. From this extremely large amount of weaponry, it is easy to understand that there was a plan to involve hundreds of people to destabilize our country.

In the weaponry you see, among other things, there are also military weapons of the year 2021 that are supplied by the army of the Serbian state. So, what we have been saying continuously is being confirmed every day: that Serbia is using its weapons and criminals for its hegemonic policies and is causing pain to our citizens and families.

As institutions, today we are pained by the loss of Sergeant Afrim, while yesterday's resistance and uncompromising fight against gangs was the clear evidence that we are unstoppable in the defence of the sovereignty of our country. So, today we do not only feel pain, but we feel pride as well.

Yesterday's very successful and professional action of the Kosovo Police is evidence that there is zero tolerance towards criminal and terrorist groups, that the time of impunity is long gone, and there is no compromise when it comes to the integrity and sovereignty of the country.

I am deeply grateful to every police officer who yesterday and every day is at the highest level of duty, serving the country and all citizens without discrimination.

I wish the injured police officers a speedy recovery and return to duty as soon as possible.

I now pass the floor to the Director General of Police, to provide more details of the equipment and items that were seized last night in the Banjska Monastery and the surrounding buildings, following the confrontation with the criminal and terrorist groups there.