Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Bardhyl Dobra, Met With Minister of Justice and Public Administration of Croatia, Mr. Ivan Malenica


Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Bardhyl Dobra who is on an official visit to Croatia was received together with the Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to Croatia, Mr. Martin Berishaj, by the Minister of Justice and Public Administration of Croatia, Mr. Ivan Malenica. At the meeting, the friendly and strategic relations of both countries were confirmed, and new perspectives of cooperation in the field of public administration reforms were also examined.

Deputy Minister Mr. Dobra said that during this meeting the possibilities of exchanging experts and experiences in specific issues were discussed. Specifically, our Croatian partners will share their experience in the implementation of the law on general administrative procedure and the administrative burden reduction, while we can share our experience with the law on public officials and the law on salaries in the public sector.

During the visit, Deputy Minister Mr. Dobra met with the director of the National School of Public Administration, Mr. Rudolf Vujević. According to Mr. Dobra, they discussed the exchange of experiences in the processes of reforming the relevant institution for the education and training of civil servants of the two countries, as well as the long-term possibilities to ensure quality and sustainable administration and public services for our citizens.

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