Minister Sveçla held a press conference regarding the today's attack on Kosovo Police in the North of the country

Minister of the Internal Affairs, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla together with the Director General of the Kosovo Police, Mr. Samedin Mehmeti held an extraordinary press conference regarding the attack on the Kosovo Police in the North of the country.

In this conference, Minister Sveçla said that the attack took place in the early hours of this morning, and that the facts show that this terrorist act was committed with a hand grenade and AK47 and that this was aimed against some Kosovo Police Officers who were on their way to change the shift at the border crossings.

Minister Sveçla stated that in the last three days there have been four attacks on Kosovo Police in the north in order to intimidate them and the citizens in general.

He said that the aim of the Institutions of the Republic of Kosovo to establish law and order and to fight crime and corruption without distinction and discrimination of any category will continue with persistence and we will be successful in our right.

Director General of Kosovo Police, Mr. Samedin Mehmeti said that the attacks took place in a systematic way, where firstly were used the hedgehogs on the roads, then attack with stones, shooting with weapons and finally the shooting on the Kosovo Police Patrol.