Vehicle registration

The registration of vehicles is conducted by the Center on Vehicle Registration within CRA, Ministry of Internal Affairs. The vehicles owned by natural persons are registered on the basis of owner’s residence or emplacement, whereas vehicles belonging to legal persons are registered on the basis of business certificate.

In order to provide quicker services for the citizens of Republic of Kosovo from 01 June 2015 a new online application system has started to function for the vehicle registration extension.

In order to provide quicker services for the citizens of Republic of Kosovo from 01 June 2015 a new online application system has started to function for the vehicle registration extension. To apply through the online system, initially one needs to confirm to the vehicle registration center his/her personal email address.

The link for application through the online system is:

  • Proof on the ownership of the vehicle
  • Receipt of the producer – seller of the vehicle
  • Original document of the respective state;
  • Identification document issued by the bodies of Kosovo;
  • Insurance Policy which shouldn’t be older then fifteen (15) days from the issuance date;
  • Unique customs document, in special cases also the custom decision;
  • Proof of payment of the administrative tax that would have to be paid within 30 days
  • Proof of payment of the road and ecology tax for the vehicles that would have to be paid within 30 days.
  • Proof of payment of the municipal tax.

Certificate of the technical control of vehicles issued by the licensed entity by the Ministry for Infrastructure which should not be older then fifteen (15) days from the date of issuance;

New vehicles that participate in road traffic will undergo technical control during the month on which 24 hours deadline expires from the first technical control.

VEHICLES CARRYING DANGEROUS GOODS shall require also an ADR Certificate no older than one (1) year.

All vehicles that use fuel gas (LPG or CNG), they primarily need to be equipped with the certificate of A-test, after fulfilling the conditions of the switchgear and equipment for driving the motor vehicles with gas, issued by the competent institutions that are licensed by the Ministry for Infrastructure.

IF THERE ARE MORE CO-OWNERS OF THE VEHICLE, the vehicle is registered in the name of one co-owners with a written statement from other co-owners certified by the competent body;

The request for the registration of the vehicle shall be presented by the owner of the vehicle or an authorized person with the authorization verified in Court or the Notary.

VEHICLE OF PUBLIC-OWNED ENTERPRISE shall require authorization from the public-owned enterprise.

Vehicles owned by physical persons are registered on the basis of the residence or the domicile, whereas the vehicles owned by legal persons are registered on the basis of the business certificate,


FOR THE WORKING MEAN - TRACTOR, for which the party does not possess a document which has existed in Kosovo before 10 June 1999, the party may register the tractor, with statements of two witnesses, certified at the Court or by a Notary.

  • Vehicle registration certificate, CRA
  • Certificate of technical regularity,
  • Insurance policy and bank payment evidence, for State institutions and public companies, is needed only the agreement between the company and institutions (insurance invoice),
  • Presentation of identification document of the owner,
  • Proof on payment of taxes,

The request for extension of registration may be conducted in maximum fifteen (15) days before the expiry of the previous registration deadline.

VRC shall be obliged to extent vehicle registration from the date of expiration of the registration.

After the deadline expiration of thirty days (30) from the date of Expiration of vehicle registration, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to pay administrative tax every thirty days (30) as it is determined in the Decision for tariffs.

For de-registration of the vehicle is needed:

  • Request for de-registration of vehicle
  • Handing over of the registration plates in the Center for Vehicle Registration
  • Presentation of VRCs Vehicle Registration Certificate,
Vehicle Registration Certificate, de-registered in original is returned to the party, where it is evidenced the date and the de-registration.
The party is eligible to de-registrate within 30 days after extension period of time is expired. De-registration of a vehicle shall be recorded on the database.
In case of death of owner of the vehicle, his/her close family may de-register the vehicle by a testimony of the death certificate.

In the case of non-renewal of registration, depreciation, damage, accident and the vehicle goes out of service for whatever reason, shall carry out de-registration and return of plates upon request of the party,

If the vehicle is stolen, must submit the police report as evidence for de-registration.

After expiration of registration validity within 30 days period of time, if these vehicles are not registered or not de- registered, then they shall be transferred to passive vehicles onto the database of vehicles registration,

After the expiration of thirty (30) day deadline, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to pay administrative tax for every thirty (30) days, as it is defined in the decision on tariffs Nr.210/2015.

In case of loss or theft of the Vehicle Registration Certificate or registration plates the owner or user of the vehicle should inform the nearest police station. The police, after being notified about the case, should issue a document on loss or theft of Vehicle Registration Certificate according to the allegations of the informer.

This document should contain sufficient information about the owner, vehicle and Vehicle Registration Certificate or plates.

In the case of damage of Vehicle Registration Certificate or plates the party should present the damaged VRC or plates to the CVR and afterwards he receives a new VRC or plates, which he pays according to the Decision on Tariffs.

Replacement of the Vehicle Registration Center is preceded by the written request.

In case a vehicle is de-registered and the party shall request to make re- registration, the following documents are required:

  • Vehicle Registration Certificate of de-registration; (VRC of de-registration)
  • Certificate of technical control;
  • Insurance policy and proof of payment;
  • Payment of administrative taxes according to the Decision on Tariffs Nr.210/2015

In the case of the change of owner it is requested the purchasing contract, contract on gift, inheritance act, document through which is gained the ownership.

Vehicles which are sold in public auction which were earlier confiscated by the competent bodies may be re-registered with the executive decision of the Court, decision of prosecution bodies, and with the purchasing act of Kosovo Customs Service.

For the vehicles which were previously de-registered and should conduct the transfer of ownership, even the purchaser belong to other municipality should firstly be re-registered in the existing CVR (Vehicle Registration Center) based on the citizens’ residence or emplacement.

Vehicles de-registered may carry out de-registration, including the re-registration taxes.

Legalization of the Vehicles

The vehicles which for one reason or another are registered in irregular manner are subject to the legalization process after the completion of legal and administrative procedures.

In order to offer more effective services, citizens are entitled the transfer of cases according to their emplacement.

In case of a case transfer, parties are obliged to return the vehicle plates to the VRC where they got the last ones, with exception when the case transfer is done within the same region.

In case of purchase or vehicle de-registration, the owner of the vehicle is entitled to hold on to the plates even after selling the vehicle within the term of (60) days, exceptionally the cases of the official plates of state institutions.

If the party wishes to hold on to the same plates (preserved) even in his/her new vehicles that he intends to register, is free from the administrative tax for the plates.

Giving of the probation plates does not mean the registration of vehicle. But, giving of probation plates is possibility for inclusion in the road traffic for a determined time.

Probation plates may be given for motorist vehicles and for trailers. In the case of giving probative plates an attestation is issued to the party by DRV.

Probation plates are given by the CVR on the request of the vehicle’s owner, in these cases:

  • For new vehicles;
  • For used and repaired vehicles with which are conducted test drives for testing vehicles and its condition;
  • Vehicles that travel from the production site to the selling sites;
  • For vehicles that travel to the fairs, auto-houses for selling purpose;
  • Vehicles that travel to the control center for technical control, with expired registration.

For the issuance of the probation plates are required these documents:

  • Evidence on ownership;
  • Request for allowance of the probation plates;
  • Proof on payment of administrative taxes;
  • Payment of probation plates;
  • Proof on the payment of insurance towards third persons.

Probation plates are issued in timeframe of up to 15 days.

Probation plates may be issued on the request of the party in the nearest CVR (Center for Vehicle Registration) with the border point of the entry of motorist mean.

Notwithstanding paragraph 5 of this article, the Minster by a decision may determine the probation plates with a longer timeframe.

In special cases the probation plates may be also issued by the border police.

In the case of change of owners, the new owner is required these documents:

  • Request for change of the owner;
  • Purchasing contract or other document certified by the Court or by the notary which proves the gaining of ownership in accordance with the law.
  • Vehicle Registration Certificate of previous owner;
  • Insurance policy in behalf of the new owner with the proof on fulfilled payment;
  • Certificate on confirmation of technical regularity in behalf of the new owner, if the vehicle does not have extension;
  • Personal identification document of the seller and buyer, while in the cases where the purchasing contract is verified with the court, or notary the identification documents are not necessary.
  • For state institutions there is a need of proof for vehicle transfer.

The temporary registration may be acquired by foreigners that have temporary residence in the territory of Republic of Kosovo, students engaged in studies, specialization, scientific researches and foreign workers which are in temporary working relation in the territory of Republic of Kosovo, as well the citizens of Republic of Kosovo living abroad.

Temporary plates cannot be given for a period less than two (2) months and no longer then twelve (12) months.

The temporary registration is granted for:

  • Motorist means which based on the contract of economic relationship is utilized in between the local and foreign transport companies.
  • Motorist means of foreign representation that exercised business activity in the territory of Republic of Kosovo.

The extension of temporary registration can be done in case the customs continuous the release from the custom duty.

For temporary vehicle registration following documents are needed:

  • Unique customs document (UCD), in special cases also the custom decision where there will be an indication of the right for temporary import.
  • Residences permit for foreigners issued by the competent authorities of Republic of Kosovo.
  • Proof on the ownership of the vehicle,
  • Receipt of the producer – seller of the vehicle,
  • Original document of the respective state,
  • Identification document issued by the bodies of Kosovo,
  • Insurance Policy which shouldn’t be older then fifteen (15) days from the issuance date;
  • Proof of payment of taxes,
  • Proof of payment of the road and ecology tax for the vehicles,
  • Certificate of the technical control of vehicles issued by the licensed entity which should not be older then fifteen (15) days from the date of issuance,
New vehicles that participate in road traffic will undergo technical control during the month on which 24 hours deadline expires from the first technical control.
After the expiry of the term of temporary vehicle registration with the request of the party the VRC is obliged to return the origin book.

The owner of the vehicle when registering the vehicle has the right to order plates with the desired numbers and letters.

The three-digit chosen numbers, starting from numbers 101 to 999 and the possible combination of letters.

The taxes for the custom plates are determined by decision on tariffs.

Tinted windows can enjoy all the citizens only for those vehicles which as such are produced by its motor vehicle manufacturer.

Evidencing of the possession of shadowed glasses after the conclusion of the technical condition is noted in the VRC in the Remarks box.

Placement of tint sticking sheets on car windows is prohibited unless otherwise determined by the decision of the Minister of MIA.

  1. Common plates
  2. Probation plates
  3. Temporary plates
  4. Institutional plates ( Presidency, Parliament, Government)
  5. KSF plates
  6. Kosovo Police plates
  7. Kosovo Customs plates
  8. Emergency service plates
  9. Municipal plates
  10. Plates for agricultural vehicles
  11. Plates for motorcycles
  12. CD-Diplomatic plates
  13. Plates for Justice Institutions
  14. Plates for independent Agencies
  15. Custom plates

For all types of trailers and for motorbikes, is issued only one number- plate and VRC.