Ministar Svečla posjetio je Policijsku akademiju Hrvatske


Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla was received with honours at the Police Academy of Croatia by the Head of the Academy Josip Ćelić. During this meeting, Minister Sveçla was informed by the Academy's host delegation about the Academy's history and programs as the main pillar of the professional training of Police members.

The superiors of all sectors of the Academy informed Minister Sveçla about the services, capacities, organization and programs they develop, as well as about the commitments they have at the international level.

Minister Sveçla informed the Academy's host delegation about the security situation in Kosovo and about the commitments of our institutions that have the mandate of state security and the rule of law and order. On this occasion, Minister Sveçla expressed his gratitude to the Police Academy of Croatia for the support, cooperation, exchange of experiences and knowledge with our Police Academy and the Kosovo Police.

As a sign of gratitude for the visit, after the fruitful meeting of the two delegations, the members of the Academy demonstrated to Minister Sveçla some of their skills acquired at that academy, as well as presented some of the capacities of the Croatian Police that serve to prevent and fight various crimes.

After these activities, Minister Sveçla together with the host team of the Academy visited the “Police Museum” where they were informed about the history of the creation and development of the Croatian Police.